Howard Palmetto Baseball & Softball Association Donations

Donation GridDonation Quantity
Web Banner Sponsorship $500.00 Per Item
List your sponsor on the Howard Palmetto website. Website traffic data is available upon request. We will contact you separately to get the logo/URL/ad information. Thank you!
Team Sponsorship $350.00 Per Item
Every team is required to have a sponsor. Team Sponsorship includes a text name (single color, no logos) on your child's team's jerseys. We will contact you separately to get the spelling of your sponsorship. If there are more than one sponsor per team, the sponsor not selected for uniforms can either get a refund or have their sponsorship go to a team without one. Thank you!
Wording for uniforms
Donation to Howard Palmetto
We rely on donations and registration fees from players to support our mission of providing a family-friendly and competitive baseball experience for South Florida athletes ages 4 through 17 years old. Founded in 1962, Howard Palmetto used to be known as Howard Palmetto Khoury league. The first fields were located at Howard Drive and Palmetto Elementary Schools, hence the name "Howard Palmetto". In 1994, the league became a non-profit. Thank you for your support!

(Enter amount from $5.00 to $5,000.00)
Aces Donation
Looking to support a specific Aces team, please indicate which team you'd like to contribute to. Howard Palmetto Baseball and Softball Association is a Florida not for profit corporation.
Which Aces Team?

(Enter amount from $5.00 to $10,000.00)