FAQ for New Players

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions for parents who are considering signing up their child to play for the first time:

Q: When are practices?
A: In the T-Ball division, practices are set by each Manager by working with parents to find the best day/time that works for most people.  Not everyone will be able to make each practice, but Managers will try to do their best to find a time that works.  Typically, practice is one weekday after school.  In other baseball and softball divisions, practice fields are assigned up to a month or two in advance.  By late January, you should have a good idea of the schedule for you team.  Typically teams practice one weekday and one weekend. Weekday practices are an hour long and start between 5pm and 8pm. Only the older divisions practice after 7pm. 

Q: When are games?
A: In the T-Ball division, games are played mostly on Saturday mornings between 8:45am and 12pm.  In other divisions, there are typically two games per week.  One weekday game and one Saturday game.  Games start in late January and run through the end of May.

Q: Where do we play?
A: The T-Ball division typically practices and plays at Coral Reef Park.  The Atom division practices and plays at Suniland Park.  The Bantam division practices and plays at Suniland, Evelyn Greer and Chapman Field Parks.  The Midget division practices and plays at Evelyn Greer and Chapman Field Parks.  The Juvenile division practices and plays at Evelyn Greer Park.  The Softball divisions practice and play at Chapman Field, Coral Reef and Palmetto Bay Parks.

Q: What do I get when I register my son or daughter to play?
A: A full uniform, team practice equipment (balls, bases), player trophies, FREE league-wide events (Opening Picnic, tickets to Marlins and UM Baseball games), umpires, the priceless experience of playing team sports in a safe, fun and competitive environment on some of the best fields in South Florida right in your backyard. Your registration fee includes everything.  We do not ask for any other payments.  Our registration fee is offset by donations, grants and sponsorships.  We are a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation so contributions are tax-deductible.

Q: What equipment with my son or daughter need?
A: Players will need a glove, rubber bottom cleats, a bat and a helmet with facemask. Only players in the Midget and Juvenile division may wear a c-flap instead of a facemask. In Softball, protective face masks for the pitchers are not mandatory, however highly recommended.

Q: What if my child no longer wants to play and I've already registered?
A: Your registration is fully refundable if you withdraw before the draft.  After your child is drafted to a team, the registration fee is non-refundable.