SECTION ONE: Membership in the Howard-Palmetto Baseball-Softball Association, Inc., a Non-Profit Corporation, shall consist of two classes: 12-month voting members and seasonal voting members.
SECTION TWO: The twelve-month voting members shall consist of all officers and directors of the corporation who shall vote on League matters until their successors are named or elected.
SECTION THREE: The seasonal voting members will be all coaches (not to exceed two per team) and managers listed officially on the roster sheets. Seasonal voting members are authorized to vote on League matters discussed at general monthly meetings starting with the general meeting in December and concluding with the general membership meeting immediately following the completion of the playing calendar. Prior to the start of the season, the only seasonal voters will be the prospective managers (since the coaches will not yet be known).
SECTION ONE: There shall be monthly general membership meetings starting in November and concluding with the monthly meeting immediately following the completion of the League’s playing season.
SECTION TWO: There shall be two meetings for the purpose of electing new officers, the office of the President, to be in April, and the officers to be in June.
SECTION THREE: In addition to the general meetings required in Section One of this Article, the President of the Corporation may call such other meetings of the membership as he/she, in his discretion, deems advisable.
SECTION FOUR: Changes in the date of monthly meetings may be made by a majority vote of the voting members at the meeting immediately prior to the meeting date being changed.
SECTION FIVE: The secretary should provide the voting members with a notice of each meeting in a manner most practical to the League. Footnote on Terms: The masculine “he, him or his” is used in this Charter and By-Laws only for traditional reference. Sex is not a determination for election of officers, designation of voting members, or the eligibility of players.
SECTION ONE: PRESIDENT - The President of this corporation is the Chief Executive Officer of the League and shall preside at all meetings of the membership and at all meetings of the Executive Committee and shall perform all the duties that ordinarily pertain to the office. He shall have full power and authority to appoint any, all, and as many committees, standing, special or otherwise, as in his opinion are needed to accomplish the purposes of the corporation.
SECTION TWO: COMMISSIONERS - There shall be three Commissioners, one for junior division baseball, one for senior division baseball and one for softball. The President or the Executive Committee may appoint additional Commissioners as needed to conduct the business of the league (i.e. Summer/Fall baseball, Junior/Senior Divisions, etc.) The Commissioners shall be the liaison between the Municipal governments Parks and Recreation Departments and the Howard- Palmetto Baseball-Softball Association, Inc. in all matters relating to the availability, preparation, and scheduling of playing fields for preseason practices and League games. It shall be the duty of the Commissioners to establish ground rules for all playing fields, and be the overall coordinator of their respective League games. The baseball and softball Commissioners shall oversee their respective vice presidents and shall be responsible for tryouts, drafts, conduct, and supervision of games, interpreting rules and regulations, arbitrating disputes, and other operational matters. The Commissioners shall be members of all Committees, and neither one shall manage or coach a team in the field or in the dugout in his or her respective League. The Commissioners are charged with the enforcement of the “RULES” hereinafter adopted and will do all acts and perform every duty incident to obedience to the “RULES”.
SECTION THREE: IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT - It shall be the duty of the Immediate Past President to act for the President in his/her absence, and in the case of the resignation, removal, or death of the President, he shall assume all duties of the President, until the vacancy is filled by the Executive Committee.
SECTION FIVE: VICE PRESIDENTS - There shall be one Vice President for each Division. No Vice President may manage or coach a team in the same division for which he is an officer during his term of office. They shall recommend to the Executive Committee, for approval, individuals to manage in their division. The respective Commissioner will define additional duties and responsibilities of each Vice President.
SECTION SIX: SECRETARY - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep accurate minutes of each meeting of the membership and the Executive Committee and to preserve such records at the Headquarters’ Office, and to perform other duties as are usually incident to the office, and as requested by the President, the Commissioner, or the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation and mailing of meeting notices and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
SECTION SEVEN: TREASURER - The Treasurer shall safely keep all monies of the corporation that may come into his hands from time to time and pay out the same upon check or draft of the President, countersigned by the Treasurer or vice-versa, or otherwise signed by at least two (2) persons in pursuance to the order of the Executive Committee; keep accurate books of accounts of the transactions of his office, and generally perform all other duties pertaining to his office or that may be required of him by the Executive Committee. He shall promptly deposit the monies of the corporation as they may come into his hands in such banking or trust company or companies as may be designated by the Executive Committee. Such deposits shall be in the name of HOWARD-PALMETTO BASEBALL-SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION, INC. The treasurer shall also receive and have charge of all bills, notes, bonds, and other securities belonging to the corporation, and shall dispose of same as may be ordered by the Executive Committee. No unapproved or unbudgeted disbursements in excess of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) shall be made without approval of the Executive Committee. A monthly report of the financial transactions of the League shall be made to the general membership for their information, beginning with the January meeting. Upon the request of the President of the Corporation or the Executive Committee, the Treasurer shall make a complete, strict and accurate account of all assets in his possession belonging to the Corporation and of the liability and net worth of the corporation in accordance with standard accounting practices and shall submit his books and records for audit at any time, place, and to any person so ordered by the President or the Executive Committee. The Treasurer is further charged with the responsibility of preparing a budget for the ensuing year. He shall obtain from the appropriate members of the Corporation estimates of their applicable expenditures from which he will compile his estimate of the Corporation’s anticipated expenses. The treasurer will submit his budget to the Executive Committee in the month of October during his term. The Executive Committee shall review the books of account annually and prior to transfer to the new Treasurer.
SECTION EIGHT: OTHER OFFICERS - The League shall elect other officers to serve in the following capacities:
A. Registrar: Shall be responsible for recording and coordinating all registrations for baseball and softball in accordance with the registration policy established by the President and Executive Committee. The Registrar shall perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned annually by the League President.
B. Chief of Umpires: Shall be responsible for the coordination, supervision, recruiting, and training of personnel to umpire for Howard-Palmetto Baseball-Softball Association, Inc. and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President, including providing umpires at every scheduled game, in accordance with the rules hereinafter adopted.
C. Purchasing Agent: Shall be responsible for purchasing of all “soft” goods used by the League and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
D. Equipment Manager: Shall be responsible for purchasing of all “hard” goods used by the League; for the maintenance and storage of all League equipment and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
E. Sponsor Chairperson: Shall be responsible for securing the necessary sponsorship for each team participating in the baseball and softball programs and other duties and responsibilities assigned by the President.
F. Special Projects Chairperson: Shall be responsible for special projects as defined and approved by the President and the Executive Committee.
G. Publicity Chairperson: Shall be responsible for collecting and disseminating information (after first channeling through the President for his approval), such as League standings, to the membership and news media and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
H. Facilities Coordinator: Shall be responsible for insuring that all playing fields and facilities utilized by the League are properly maintained and in safe playing order and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
I. Picture Chairperson: Shall be responsible for the coordination and supervision of all items and individual photographs for baseball and softball and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
J. Directory Chairperson: Shall be responsible for all of the duties necessary to prepare the League directory including obtaining the pertinent information, collecting the funds and overseeing the printing.
K. Team Mothers Chairperson: Shall be responsible for coordinating the individual team mothers for the purpose of disseminating information to the parents, scheduling of volunteers for special projects, and collecting certain monies from the teams.
L. Awards Chairperson: Shall be responsible for selecting and purchasing all designated awards.
M. Concession Supervisor: Shall be responsible for overseeing the management of the League operated concession stands, including food and drink purchases and preparation, and appropriate bookkeeping.
N. Uniform Chairperson: Shall be responsible for the purchasing and dispersing of uniforms that are required by the league and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
O. Scheduling Chairperson: Shall be responsible for coordinating with the commissioners of baseball & softball, the scheduling of all league games and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
P. Legal Advisor: Shall be responsible for overseeing all legal matters of the league, and other duties and responsibilities as defined by the President.
Q. Rules Committee Chairperson: Shall be appointed by the President and shall be responsible for presiding over the committee meetings and for publishing the annual rule book. The Rules Committee members shall be appointed by the President with the advice of the chairperson.
R. Historian: Shall be responsible for collecting and storing memorabilia regarding league affairs and activities.
SECTION ONE: ANNUAL ELECTIONS - All officers of the corporation shall be elected annually by the voting members of the corporation and shall hold office for the term of one (1) year or until their successors are duly elected or appointed.
At the February general meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee, of which the President shall be chairman, for the purpose of nominating a person or persons to stand for election of President.
At the March general meeting, the nominating committee shall make known their nominations for President.
At the April general meeting, the President shall distribute a ballot with all the names for President, suggested by the nominating committee. Additional nominees can be added. A majority vote of the voting members in attendance shall be necessary to decide the election, and at least four of those present must also be members of the Executive Committee.
Also at April general meeting, The President and President elect shall then appoint a nominating committee, of which the President elect shall be chairman, for the purpose of nominating a person or persons to stand for election in each office of the corporation.
At the May general meeting, the nominating committee shall make known their nominations to the membership.
At the June general meeting, the President shall distribute a ballot with all the names for officers, suggested by the nominating committee. Additional nominees can be added. A majority vote of the voting members in attendance shall be necessary to decide the election, and at least four of those present must also be members of the Executive Committee.
SECTION TWO: The term of office of these officers elected shall be from August 1st of the same year to July 31st, inclusive, of the following year. In addition, the President and Commissioners shall continue as advisors for as long as is deemed necessary to provide continuity and a smooth transfer of responsibilities.
SECTION THREE: Any officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the full Executive Committee in a duly constituted meeting, provided the officer in question has been sent by U.S. Registered Mail a notice of intention to vote on his removal. The registered letter must be postmarked at least seven (7) days but not more than fourteen (14) days before such meeting.
SECTION ONE: The affairs and business of the corporation shall be managed by an Executive Committee, which shall consist of:
1. President
2. Immediate Past President
3. Commissioner – Junior Divisions Baseball
4. Commissioner - Softball
5. Commissioner- Senior Divisions Baseball
6. Treasurer
7. One Officer from Junior Division (Atom or Bantam)
8. One Officer from Senior Division (Midget or Juvenile)
9. One Officer from Girls’ Softball
10. Rules Committee Chairperson
11. At Large Member - Baseball
12. At Large Member – Softball
The President shall have the power and authority to select the Executive Committee members for positions 7 through 12.
SECTION TWO: TERM OF OFFICE-The term of office of each of the Executive Committee members shall be concurrent with his term as an officer of the corporation.
SECTION THREE: The Executive Committee shall have the control and general management of the affairs and business of the corporation. They may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of their meetings and the management of the corporation as they may deem proper, not inconsistent with the By- Laws, and adopted provisions contained in the annual report of the HOWARD-PALMETTO BASEBALL-SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION, INC. RULES REVIEW COMMITTEE. All actions of the Executive Committee are final. A motion to overrule an Executive Committee action will require a two-thirds majority vote of the membership at the monthly meeting immediately following the Executive Committee action in question. Other than the listed exceptions, Executive Committee decisions shall be made by simple majority.
SECTION FOUR: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS - All meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President. Duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee will include planning for each ensuing year, examining the Treasurer’s preliminary budget, filling vacancies, re-examining fees to be charged participants and sponsors, and approving all contracts and obligations involving the League. A special meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the President, or the Secretary, upon the written request of five (5) or more members of the Executive Committee. At least five (5) members of the Executive Committee must be in attendance at any meeting in order for business to be transacted. At all meetings of the Executive Committee, each Executive Committee member will have one vote. Any officer, manager, or coach may be removed, either with or without cause, at any time by a two-thirds vote of the full Executive Committee.
All meetings of the corporation and the Executive Committee shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules-of-Order, and any revisions thereto, except where such rules-of-order conflict with any rules-of-order of the Charter of HOWARD-PALMETTO BASEBALL-SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION, INC., By-Laws of HOWARD-PALMETTO BASEBALL-SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION, INC., and any special rules of procedure adopted by either the Executive Committee or the corporation.
SECTION ONE: The corporation adopts for itself the “RULES” and any revisions thereof, containing: The sportsmanship Code, the registration of players, managers, and coaches, verification of ages, transfers, coaching, officiating, and championship contests, protests, conduct violations, suspensions, knowledge of rules, changes, leaving matters not covered by said rules to the discretion of the Executive Board and the most recent adopted report of the HOWARD-PALMETTO “RULES REVIEW COMMITTEE” or any other executive committee rule change. The President of the HOWARD-PALMETTO BASEBALL-SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION is charged with the responsibility of organizing and establishing this corporation to conform with said rule and the enforcement thereof.
SECTION TWO: RULES REVIEW COMMITTEE - The HOWARD-PALMETTO BASEBALL-SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Rules Review Committee will function as an ad-hoc committee appointed annually by the President of the League. The Rules Review Committee will be expected to submit to the Executive Committee by May their recommendations for changes in existing rules and the incorporation of new rules for divisional play within the League. The Executive Committee shall review the rules proposed by the Rules Review Committee, altering them if they see fit. The Executive Committee will then submit the final report to the membership for ratification at the last general meeting prior to the opening of League play.
SECTION THREE: VOTING ON RULES-The decision of the Executive Committee as regards to game rules and ground rules proposed by any division may be overruled at a regular monthly meeting, or a special meeting, provided that 25% of the eligible voting members are present and that a two-thirds vote in support of a motion to change in existing rule is secured during the meeting. The game rules and/or ground rules thus adopted relate to all divisions (as applicable) sponsored by the corporation.
All vacancies in any office shall be filled by the President of the Corporation without undue delay, with the approval of a majority of the Executive Committee.
The payment of salaries to any member of the League will require the approval of the Executive Committee and ratification by two-thirds of the voting membership present at a regular monthly meeting.
SECTION ONE: These By-Laws may be altered, amended, repealed, or added to by an affirmative vote of the Executive Committee, at any meeting, provided that a written notice shall have been sent to each member of the Executive Committee at his last known address, at least seven (7) days before the date of such meeting, which notice shall state the alteration, amendments, or changes that are proposed to be made in such BY-LAWS. Only such changes as have been specified in the notice shall be made. If, however, two-thirds of the Executive Board members shall be present at any regular meeting, these By-Laws may be amended by a unanimous vote, without any previous notice.
SECTION ONE: MINIMUM REGISTRATION AGE-In baseball/T-ball, those players who have attained four (4) years of age as of December 31 of the current season will be eligible. The minimum registration age for softball will be for those players who have attained six (6) years of age as of December 31 of the current season.
Exception to the minimum age requirement may be made by the respective commissioner.
SECTION TWO: REFUND OF REGISTRATION FEE-After being drafted and named to a team, if a child withdraws from the team without an appropriate reason, there will be no refund. Exceptions would be an important illness or injury to. All refunds must be reviewed and approved by the Commissioners of each league.